Crypto Roller-Coaster

Any Cryptocurrency observer knows the Crypto Roller-Coaster can occur at ANY time. It happened again! Bitcoin lost more than 20% OVERNIGHT! Why is the price Fluctuating? Many different reasons have been presented – the stock … Continue reading Crypto Roller-Coaster

New IRS Cannabis Rules?

Under the federal Controlled Substances Act, Marijuana is a “controlled substance.” The United State Supreme Court has held that “no exception in the Controlled Substances Act exists for marijuana that is medically necessary.” Or, for … Continue reading New IRS Cannabis Rules?

BBB IRS Agent Army

The Build Back Better Act (BBB) sets aside $80 Billion For the IRS. With that increase, the IRS plans on hiring 87.000 new IRS workers to target “wealthy” taxpayers. However, as Elon Musk points out, … Continue reading BBB IRS Agent Army
