Hi, I’m Dr. Mike Andreano and this is my story. Thirty-some years ago, something happened that changed my life forever. As a young teen, I developed a bad case of acne. The pimples that covered my face caused me great embarrassment and emotional pain. There were many times that I dreaded going to school because it looked so bad. I tried everything…medications, diets, scrubs, washes. For seven agonizing years, nothing worked until my mother had me take some nutritional supplements from a health food store. Within a week the acne was 95% gone. I was so amazed; I decided to devote my life to helping others find answers to their health issues naturally. In 1994 I graduated from the National College of Chiropractic and soon after opened what is now Trinity Holistic Health Center.

I married my wife Cheryl in 2002. When I first met her she worked as a pediatric intensive care nurse. She had a chronic cold and was tired all the time. She was also told by her medical doctor that she would never be able to get pregnant. After getting her started with a holistic regimen, to her surprise, her chronic cold and sinus congestion went away, she no longer had to take a nap in the afternoon, and as you can see from the picture we have five beautiful children.
My sons Caleb, Joshua and my daughters Jordan, Lydia, and Elizabeth have all had the advantage of holistic health care their entire lives. They have never had an ear infection, seldom get sick, never have needed an antibiotic or any other medication, sleep through the night and enjoy good health. They love to come to my office and get “checked” by Dad.
My greatest passion in life is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever. One of the ways I am able to do this is by sharing the love of Christ with my family, friends, and community by helping them enjoy better health.
Since graduating from chiropractic school, my desire to help others find the best answer to their health problems has driven me to search all over the country, taking 100 plus hours of postgraduate coursework every year. Over the past twenty years, I have continually taken what I have learned, put it into practice, eliminated what doesn’t work, used what does, and then improved on it whenever possible, to help my patients enjoy better health.
It’s strange how life works but the Lord has it planned out from beginning to end. I would have never chosen to suffer from acne, but I can look back and thank God because now people come to me for the same kind of skin problems. They also come to me from all over the world for digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, sleep problems, chronic sinus congestion, pain, headaches, and just about every other condition you could think of.
You know, everyday patients come to me and thank me for “curing” them of this or that, but I have a confession, I don’t cure anyone of anything. I never have! What I do is find what is causing stress and interfering with the body’s ability to function normally, recommend a specific holistic therapy, and the body responds by healing itself! It’s as simple as that. Your body was made to heal itself, as long as there is no interference. And that is what holistic health is all about. And that is why we get wonderful results.